in our dream, 2021
Performance installation, 50 minutes – premiered at Upad Theatre Festival, Novi Sad
Concept and performance: Sonja Stojanovic and Kristina Feldhammer
Choreography: Sonja Stojanovic
Visual design: Kristina Feldhammer
Music: Ljubomir Nikolic
Light: Zdenko Medvedj

we move through dreams as we move through
curtain walls of remembered glances
traces of the familiar
threading through a web of fleeting landscapes,
ever changing, morphing, expanding
until the horizon of the unknown
meets its counterpart again

'In Our Dream' is an exploration, a play, a fragmentation of dreamstates within and through the collective unconscious and its archetypes. It merges performance and installation to let the audience become part of an immersive journey, moving through four different sections, ever deeper into hidden inner worlds and collective dream narratives.
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